What is a Lifestyle Session?

Lifestyle photography tells a story! This style of image is not meant to be ‘picture perfect’ but a styled typical moment you might experience at home. For a newborn session it can be playing with baby, talking to them, looking at them and snuggling with them vs. all smiling and looking at the camera.

A lifestyle session is more relaxed and puts less pressure on little ones to stay still, look and smile. I especially love to see Mother’s in these images, as these moments are never captured of them at home. Here are some examples of in-studio lifestyle images.

My favourite lifestyle sessions are the outdoor Golden Hour Family shoots. There are greater exploring and discovery opportunities, in an outdoor setting.

The majority of clients choose a mixed session, of both lifestyle AND posed images. This is definitely possible for your session. Whichever you choose (or both!) you will receive beautiful images of your special moments. I can’t wait to show them to you.



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