I love sitting down to plan out my year at JIP. The possibilities are endless and my long planned ideas and goals start spilling out onto paper.


Important things to know about Me! 1. My bed is my BFF…. it’s where all the magic happens 😉 and by the ‘magic’ I mean SLEEPING… just the sleeping people… come on, get your minds out of that gutter LOL. I need SO much sleep to function. I’m talking at least 10 hours a night. […]


These past few months have introduced a whole new dynamic to my milestone sessions. Wearing a Mask! With wearing a mask, your baby now can’t see my face, or my smile. This has had an impact on your little ones and how they react at their milestone session. My family and friends have always said […]


My husband and I moved to Lloydminster 12 years ago with his new job. We have no family here, with the closest relative more than 2 hours away. We also didn’t know anyone. We had all 3 of our children without the help and assistance of a village. It was HARD! To be real honest […]


The designs are complete and construction begins in just a few weeks. To say I’m excited is an understatement lol. I’m bursting from the thrill. We designed this baby from nothing with the help of Keen Developments and Drews Drafting & Design. They really were so great at making our vision come to life. I […]