I love sitting down to plan out my year at JIP. The possibilities are endless and my long planned ideas and goals start spilling out onto paper. I go through so many notebooks. I prefer small notebooks that I can use up quicker and stick with one topic, rather than a big book that is all over the place. Check out these favourites here. I will forever be a pen and paper gal. Autocorrect drives me insane and tech wastes to much time formatting, when I can just write it down. I guess I’m old school, that way. I also still love to use a real paper calendar, where I can see everything all in one glance.
My first task, when planning my year of events, is to list my favourite events I want to repeat again. The Fall Family Golden Hour sessions are definitely a must. I’ve been doing these for 2 years and I love them more every time. This year I will be on the hunt for an epic location (well, as epic as we can get in the middle of the prairies).
sunset golden hour family session
Motherhood sessions will finally come to fruition in my new studio, as last year we had JUST moved in and things weren’t quite ready for what I had planned. Keep watch for this news to come out in the next month. I’m super excited to be working with a local florist, for these sessions, as well as my favourite make-up artist.
This past weekend was the premier event for the new Simple Mini sessions. I will be posting lots from these in the coming weeks. I’m thinking they will also make a reappearance in the late fall along with Back to School pictures and Christmas minis.
Is there something else you’d love to see at Jen Isackson Photography? Comment below with an idea, or the session you’d most love to participate in for 2022.