Did you miss getting newborn images of your baby? Was life too chaotic or the funds too low? It isn’t too late to capture photos of your precious baby. I promise they just keep growing, no matter what is going on in your life. You will treasure all your little ones photographs, no matter what age they were captured.

A six month session is one of my favourites. Babies are so fun at his age, as they interact with the world around them. They can play with toys, sit up on their own, or in my high chair or macrame swing. They are often smiley and like to play peek-a-boo or clap their hands.

Every milestone session includes family photos too! Getting Mom and Dad in the photos is just as important for your milestone session.

Whether you do the MINI, DIJ or ACE package, you have access to my client wardrobe for Mom and Kids. There are so many fun options to choose from. You can see them here!
Milestone sessions happen Monday to Friday mornings between 9:30am to Noon. Click the button below to inquire about booking a milestone session for your little one.